Thursday, November 10, 2005

Long time no writing

Well, I would say that my new job is going great but I have only worked there two days. The second day I got sick and now I have been out for two days. I have everything except an upset stomach. My nose is runny and stuffed up at the same time, fever, body aches, cough, and sore throat. You name it, I got it. I hate being sick. I probably picked it up from one of the babies. I guess I need to build my immune system up. This is probably the first time that I have been out of the bed other than to get something to eat or drink or medicine. To make matters worse, Josh isn't here. He is hunting. I wish he was here. Oh well. He said he is coming home Friday. I am going to go to work tomorrow and then if they think that I should go home then I will but hopefully I will be okay tomorrow.

The shower this past weekend was great. I got a whole bunch of stuff. Let's just say I don't think that Caleb will ever go naked. I was glad to see the people that were there. Aunt Janet, Jenny, and Jill got baby Caleb a bunch of stuff. I can't wait to give him a bath in his new bath tub. I was also so excited to see my friend Gaitha there! It was great that she was able to come out. Thanks girl! And then my mom, aunt Linda, and Missy all sent gifts from New Jersey. They sent a bunch of cute stuff. Now, baby Caleb has a New York Yankees outfit! He can represent the North in him.

My mother-in-law and all the ladies that helped her made the baby shower so cute. Thank you. They even had blue punch! It was so neat. I feel so blessed to have all these awesome people in my life. Well, that is it. I need to go back to bed. Talk to ya later.


Michelle said...

Hey girl,
I hope you get to feeling better soon. I'm sorry I wasn't there I got tied up at work on Saturday and I didn't get my errands done in time. I'm glad you had a great shower though, it sounds like it was tons of fun. I'll be praying that everything is fine and you get better fast. Have a good day

Jenny said...

Oh, Alicia, I'm so sorry that you're not feeling well. When I first started working at a daycare way back in the day, I got sick the second day too!! I think that happens to everyone. Anyway, I hope you get to feeling better and get lots of rest. Can't wait to see ya'll again for Thanksgiving. I had lots of fun at your shower!!

Unknown said...

Glad you had a wonderful shower :) Aren't they so fun. And I'm also glad you are enjoying your new job, minus the sickness.

Hope you get to feeling better soon and enjoy setting up the nursery with all your new goodies!

Unknown said...

Hey can you email me your address...I want to send you a little something I picked up for you over the weekend :)

Melissa said...

Hey Alicia! Hope you're feeling better. I know you don't have computer access like you used too, but update soon! We miss you guys!! :)