Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Wow, so much time has past. If you don't blog like everyday or everyother than you lose track of everything. But I sure don't have time for that anymore. It seems now that I have two little ones and the holidays I have been super busy. I haven't had a moment to think. Sunday I came down with Strep after Josh just recently got over it. Hopefully, both of the kids will not get it. That would just stink for Christmas. Thankfully, I got meds in time and maybe since I am still breastfeeding Sadie will get some antibiotics too in her system to fight off anything. Well, Thanksgiving was fun. It was good seeing the family. We missed Dustyn and Jill. It was very good to see Lindsey and Brian back from Africa safe and sound and then off again. And Meme suprised me with Sadie's dedication dress that was made from my wedding gown. Meme did such a wonderful job making it. She looked absolutely gorgeous in it. I am so glad that I did that with my gown. I had no clue what to do with it but I was tired of moving it all around so I thought how sweet it would be for Sadie to have a piece of my dress to treasure. I love it so much!
Next, we had Christmas with my family a little early. They came down on the 13th and stayed until 22nd. We had fun. We took them to Bass pro Shop and saw Santa there with Caleb. We all told Caleb that he had to tell Santa what he wanted for Christmas and he whispered it to him before they could even take the picture. All the while Sadie was busy chewing her reindeer antler that was on her bib. It was cute. Speaking of Santa, Caleb told me today "Mama, I need to go talk to Santa". I said why and he told me "Because I need the Dinosaur moobie". That means movie. Anyways, he figured that Santa listened to him the first time with the gifts my parents gave him that for sure if he told him about the movie he wanted he would get it. So cute. I love this age with Santa. Anyways, I am so glad that my parents came here for Christmas. I wish I had more time with them or I wish I could go up there to see all my family. I miss everyone and I miss Jersey. We also got to do Sadie's dedication. My parents were here and Mike and Danielle were able to come too. I was so happy that both sets of grandparents were there. The bummer thing that happened though was that at lunch I started to run a fever and immediately got strep. Monday, my parents had to leave but before they left we all went to take me to the doctors. I was running a 102 fever with nasty stuff in the back of my throat. I am feeling a whole bunch better but my throat still hurts a bunch. I am glad I caught it now in time for Christmas.
Well, I am sorry that I have been away from blog world but life has been very busy. It is not easy finding time to just relax. By the time I find it I just want to go to bed! Life in the ministry always keeps you going. I hope that everyone has a Merry Christmas if I don't blog before then.


Unknown said...

that dedication dress idea is awesome! I wish I would have done that for my girls.

Hope you feel better quickly! BJ had strep last week and it was awful.

Merry Christmas!

Mama PC said...

i just saw yesterday at Meme's house the dedication dress that me and my sisters all wore - the same one with little shoes

it's so old! i guess cause we are too...

meme said she wished she had known then what she knows now and she would have had each of us a separate one

she kept it in her cedar chest for all these years...

tuck away your memories
in chests, in box, in mind
you never know
when you will want
to visit them in time

to pull out memories
one by one
and think and reminisce
to hold and treasure
fondly hold
the days of innocence
baby curls and cap and gown
first tooth and fairies coins
memories cherished
begin in life
purposed time of joy

so start traditions
bring out the old
throw in mishap or two
mix all together
wrapped in love
for excellent memory stew

Melissa said...

Sadie's dress turned out BEAUTIFUL!!! Love all of the pics, especially the one of you and Josh on the steps. Hope you feel better soon!!