Saturday, October 27, 2007

Truly Beautifully Blessed

Kelly, Kristie, Alicia

Nina and Alicia

What a weekend! I am so blessed to be at this church. We had a woman's retreat at the T Bar M Ranch in New Braunfuls. It was great. Our speaker's name was Rita Morrow. She was amazing. I can't help but count the blessings that God has given me. The ladies at this church have taken me in like I have always been here. I feel like I have known everyone for so long and it has only been a couple of months. Kristie Ackerman has been an amazing friend since the beginning. Josh new their family before I did. He grew up knowing Edgar Ackerman. He kept telling me about this awesome family before we got here and I just said "Okay". But now I can see why he was telling me about them. They have taken us in like family. I just feel truly blessed to have such great people surrounding me always uplifting me. It makes a world of difference. It is amazing what happens when you let God really control your life and place it all in His hands having COMPLETE faith in Him. It was very hard to just up and leave a house that we had just had built for our "first" home together. But I gave it to God, and He has done nothing but pour out blessings upon me and my family's life since we decided to let Him do what He wants to do for us. I realized that "Home" is not just a house, it is where you make it and that is in your heart. God, I thank you for being such an awesome father. You have given us shelter and a safe place. You have shown me Your face. I have faith in what You have in store for my life. I know You have Your hand wrapped around me. I thank You for making me who I am today. I know that when I get discouraged You are there for me. I will trust in You. Only You!


Melissa said...

So cool, Alicia! Isn't it awesome how God even provides for the needs we may not see, or count as important? God is SO good, and you look SO happy! :)

Jenny said...

I'm so happy for you guys! That's wonderful.