Tuesday, August 21, 2007

On the road again...

God has put an amazing opportunity in our hands. We are moving back to San Antonio. Crazy! I know. But it is going to be awesome. Josh and I had to go through some things to become stronger, but in the end the rewards are great. We have been invited to be the new youth pastors at Crossmountain Church in San Antonio. We are here right now and will be home this weekend to get our things. The church is moving us into an apartment until our house in Spring sells. I am going to be able to stay home with Caleb and then do a mother's day out program Tuesday and Thursday. I am so excited about that. The Pastor and his wife are so amazing. They have treated us with such royalty. Their presence about them just reflects the love of Christ. In the midst of the storm God was there with us. So true. With all this chaos of moving again we are going to be very busy but I know God will give us rest. My hope was tested but my faith only grew stronger with the hardships I had to overcome. I can not wait to start this new church. I have such high dreams and expectations. I am so excited to see what God has in store for this area and for our life. Please keep us in your prayers. Sometimes the feeling of being overwhelmed can take the joy away, but we just need to press on. I pray that Caleb will rest easy too knowing that he has to feel the stress from all of this. He is so precious to me and I only want what's best for his life. I am so excited that I can stay home with him now. He brings out my joy! So, God is good and He has a plan and purpose for all of us even when we don't see the whole picture. ~He knows~


Unknown said...

wow! what a big change :) Isn't God so cool in His perfect will though. Sometimes we don't know why things have to change or why right then, but it always pans out in the end. I hope everything is smoothe for you all!

Michelle said...

I heard that you guys might be moving but I wasn't sure if that was true or not. I"m so happy that things are going so great even though you had to get through the storm to get there. God is good and I'm so glad you are able to stay home with Caleb. I know how it feels to just be working for a week much less for as long as you have. I'm praying for you guys an I know that He has better plans than we could ever imagine.

KriSTeN said...

wow. things do happen fast. i hope and pray that this is the best adventure yet for your family. i know God is going to bless you guys more than you know because you are following His Will.
take care and God bless.

Jenny said...

He does know!! I wish you guys the best...even though you will be far away from us again. That's so exciting that you get to be home with little Caleb. So Awesome!! I'm so proud of you for staying so strong through all the stress. Love you Alicia!! Wish to see you soon.

Melissa said...

Isn't it amazing how God works! :) He knows every detail and what it will take to get you where he needs you, and how awesome that in the process He fulfills the desires of our hearts! :) I'm so excited that you get to stay home with Caleb! And I know you guys will do awesome in SA. I'm praying for you, especially for peace, wisdom and strength!