Thursday, May 24, 2007

Caleb getting ready to get tubes!
He is such a precious angel.


Jenny said...

Such a little cutie!! Did he do good??

Unknown said...

I hope your family recovers quickly and that your stress goes down!!! Take care of each other :) We are praying for you guys!

Melissa said...

he is so sweet! How did he do? How did you do? I've heard it's harder on the parents than the child. I hope that the tubes are successful in relieving his infections. Take care of yourself, Alicia! You can only take care of the fam if you take care of yourself! :) I know that is so easier said than done... Josh's hand looks horrible...but at least the new skin is finally coming through. Glad to know he is on the mend! Hang in there my friend, hopefully you are close to the end of all of these stressers...

Michelle said...

Hey girl! Caleb is soo adorable, I love his hair. I am praying for him and I hope the procedure went very well. I'm sorry about all the stress and pray that it all goes down fast!!! thanks for the comments we are having a blast. Well sometimes! LOL You know what I mean though. Okay enjoy this week and try to take it easy.