Wednesday, May 23, 2007

This was last night

This is the first night.
I have had plenty to write about but just haven't been ready to write. There has been several things going on lately. To begin with, Josh, a couple of weeks ago was having a big youth event night at the church. It started at 7:00pm and by 7:15 we were running him to the emergency room. He got 2nd degree burns on his hands from pyrotechnics. Not sure if I spelled that right, but anyways. We have been wrapping his hands since the 11th with gauze and are continuing to still do that. I guess because of that stress my body has been thrown out of wack and I have been spotting for the last 2 weeks! I called my doctor and she said to just let my body run its course. Well, emotions have been flying high and my energy is running short. In the meanwhile, our house has a due date of June 21st.

Caleb, on the second hand, has to get tubes in his ears tomorrow morning. We have to be at the doctors 7:30 in the morning! Yuck. Poor baby. I feel so bad. They have to put him under. They said the procedure doesn't take longer than 20 minutes so that is good. My stress is at an all time max lately! When I feel like I can't take it anymore I get slapped in the face with one more thing. Well, I am going to head off to bed now. Talk to ya soon again.


Deborah said...

My sister, Rachel, had to have tubes in her ears when she was a baby...and that was about 25 years ago, and it all went fine. Think about how much better doctors are now. So, I know that everything will go fine. As for Josh's burns, keep taking it day to day. When I was in 5th grade, I fell into a fire and burned my hand really bad. We had to wrap it for forever. It was painful, but eventually it healed, and i don't have any scars now. God is good. He is in control and he knows how much we can take! just remember that. He will never put more on our shoulders than we can physically/emotionally handle. I will keep you in my prayers. I know that you are stressed out to the max. All I can say is take everything one day at a time. That's all that we can do. Keep us posted.

Jenny said...

I didn't realize ya'll were going through all of this. We're family and half the time I don't even know what's going on with you guys. Pretty sad!! Just like the comment above, God will never give you more than you can handle. This will all pass and life will get back to a normal state soon. If you need anything just let me know.

KriSTeN said...

hey girl. i am praying for you guys. take it one day at a time. God has you guys in His hands. i hope all is going better. i have not checked this blog for a while because we have been so busy. i am sorry. i was wondering if things were getting better. tell Josh that we are praying for him too... and hug baby Caleb for me!