Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Caleb found out that he has a tongue! It is the cutest thing. I ask him where his tongue is and he will stick it out at me. He also thinks it is so cool when you stick your tongue at him.


Melissa said...

That is SO cute!! What a smart little guy!! :)

Michelle said...

He is SOO cute and so big! I cant believe how time goes by so fast. He will be a year pretty soon.
Thanks for the pictures. Keep them coming!!! I hope everything is good with you at work.

Jenny said...

Hey Alicia! Thanks for the comment. I have been keeping up with your blog. I just haven't had time for comments. So sorry!! I barely have time to update my own blog. Your little guy is getting so big and he's just so adorable. I wish I could see him in person and give him a huge hug. Miss ya'll!!!