Saturday, July 28, 2012

God wouldn't give me more than I can handle

He won't give you more than you can handle right?  Sometimes I beg to differ.  It is just too frustrating sometimes that I can't pick up the phone to call my mom.  I sometimes start talking out loud to her.  That doesn't always seem to work cause there is no answer.  Just makes me feel more crazy.  Why does God take away?  Why do we exist to die?  Why not just create us to worship Him in heaven?  Why do we have to suffer here on earth through the pain and hard times when we will eventually get to heaven if we just believe in Christ?  Why go through all this junk here?  Why?  I don't understand.

1 comment:

Gaitha said...

I wish I had any answers for you :( It truly is terrible, and there really is no way to understand, and we wont ever really....maybe some understanding will come when we stand before the creator?? I don't know...? I can not imagine how you feel sweet Alicia....
I do know that God let me see this post so that I would be reminded to pray for you my sweet sister in Christ. Love you, and praying for you!xoxo